Let us build a disease free and healthy planet with Siridhanya/Positive grains.
Nov 16, 2018
The five millet grains are not petty grains, but amazingly natural world gifted by the nature. Most of the modern lifestyle diseases can be cured by consuming these grains for a period of six months to 2 years. Besides giving rich nutrients , they cleanse the body from the disease causing toxins. Owing to hybridization for generations, indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers and synthetic pesticides, paddy and wheat crops have lost their natural characteristics and have turned into disease inducing cereals.
List of varied diseases, disorders and medical conditions cured by millets grain.
1. FOXTAIL MILLET Rice: Nervous system, psychological disorders, arthritis, Parkinson's epilepsy.
2.KODO MILLET RICE: Blood impurities, anemia, weak immunity, diabetes, constipation, insomnia.
3.BARNYARD MILLET RICE: Liver, kidney, excess bad cholesterol, endocrine glands.
4. LITTLE MILLETS RICE:Uterus, PCOD, male and female infertility.
5. BROWNTOP MILLETS RICE: Digestive system, arthritis, hypertension, thyroidism, eye, obesity.
The characteristics of any food item are determined by the ratio of the quantities of dietary fibre to the carbohydrates contained in it. The food item in which this ratio is less than 10 is considered to have medicinal properties. This ratio varies between 5.5 and 8.8 among the millets rices. The ratio of fiber to carbohydrates in paddy rice is 395. Even in whole paddy rice and wheat the ratio is not much different.

( Source of information: Siridhanya (millets) book published by Telangana retired Engineer's Association.)