Niger Seed Oil

Niger Seed Oil

Aug 14, 2019

Niger seeds are cultivated in abundance in Ethiopia, and the oil extracted from the seeds have multiple uses ranging in culinary and treatment of skin conditions. It can help several health conditions in addition to making food magnificent.

Niger Seed Oil – A Brief

The oil is extracted from the Niger plant seeds. The niger plant is a herb that grows annually and is cultivated for edible seeds. The shape of the seeds resembles those of black sesame or black cumin. Though cultivated initially been in the Ethiopian highlands. Nowadays it is grown and developed in Africa, Mexico, Germany, Brazil, Nepal, India as well as other parts of Southeast Asia. It is growing in popularity all over the world due to its richness in various essential nutrients.

Buy Niger Seed Oil now

Following are the Niger seed oil benefits for you to look at:

  • 1. Olive Oil Substitute

  • 2. Good Composition

  • 3. Healthy, Stable Oil

  • 4. Treats Rheumatism

  • 5. Treats Skin Conditions

  • 6. Full Of Nutrients

  • 7. Rich In Minerals

  • 8. Contains Medicinal Properties

  • 9. Relieves Aches And Pains

  • 10. Fantastic Adulterant

1. Olive Oil Substitute

Niger seed oil is an excellent alternative to olive oil. It can also be used by combining with linseed oil for extra flavor. The taste of the oils, when mixed, is excellent, making it suitable for everything, including salad dressings.

2. Good Composition

The Niger nut is known for its edible oil content. It is also a good source of protein. Niger seed oil is rich in linoleic acid, and its composition of fatty acids is similar to that of sunflower oil.

3. Healthy, Stable Oil

It has non-acidic stability and is also low in unsaturated fat. This makes it a healthy oil compared to many of the kitchen oils that are out there.

4. Treats Rheumatism

Niger seed oil is known for its medicinal properties. The oil has healing properties and has been used since time immemorial by naturopaths as an effective, natural cure for rheumatism.

5. Treats Skin Conditions

This oil is a wonderful remedy for different skin conditions. It is used to treat problems related to the skin such as scabies, burns, etc. It is also used for the effective treatment of syphilis.

Buy Niger Seed Oil now

6. Full Of Nutrients

Niger seed oil contains essential nutrients such as ascorbic acid, riboflavin, niacin, stearic and oleic acid, fiber, protein, and carbohydrates. This makes it a healthy oil that can be used in a wide range of applications.

7. Rich In Minerals

Your body requires many essential nutrients to function correctly and remain healthy. Niger seed oil has a rich content of minerals such as calcium, zinc, magnesium, sodium, potassium, as well as traces of copper which are important for health.

8. Contains Medicinal Properties

Niger seed oil has antioxidant, antiparasitic, and anti-rheumatic properties. This makes it an excellent oil for massages to keep different skin conditions away and also prevents infections.

9. Relieves Aches And Pains

As mentioned above, Niger seed oil is often used for massages. This is because it has therapeutic properties that make it an effective reliever of aches and pains, as well as several other skin problems.

10. Fantastic Adulterant

Niger seed oil works very well with other oils. It can be used to adulterate other oils such as sesame and rapeseed, among many others. The great thing is that it gives off a great flavor even when it is mixed with other oils.

The seeds of the Niger plant have numerous uses. However, if you are using Niger seed oil in your kitchen, it is essential to remember that it has a concise shelf life and becomes rancid if you store it for too long.

Niger seeds are also used to feed birds and cattle. With so many Niger seed oil health benefits and uses, it is no wonder that these seeds are growing in popularity everywhere.

Buy Niger Seed Oil now

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