Positive grains of truth for a negative age

Positive grains of truth for a negative age

Jan 25, 2019

The 60-year-old scientist is the perfect ‘physician’ for extremely complicated situations. There was a case of two young lovers, who had attempted suicide by consuming poison after their parents refused to allow them to marry. They ended up bedridden with a nervous breakdown at KR Hospital in Mysuru and a week later, came to him and fell at his feet. Then there are thousands of Diabetics with gangrenous legs who consider him a messiah for saving their limbs after they were advised to go for amputation. And there are epileptics who have lost all hope, who rush to his residence in the interior of TK Layout here for deliverance from the sickness. He has not disappointed any of them.

There is a sea of patients at his residence; he treats at least 100 a day in TK Layout from Tuesday to Saturday, and over 200 at Bidirenahalli in HD Kote taluk every Monday.

The son of Husenamma and Husenappa, natives of Kadapa in Andhra Pradesh and residents of Mysuru, Dr. Khader did his BSc (Ed) and MSc (Ed) from Regional College of Education, Mysuru, and Ph.D. on Steroids at Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru. He has worked as a postdoctoral fellow on Environment Science at Beaverton Oregon and as scientist in CFTRI for three years. Joining Dupont, he worked for them in India for a year and 4 and a half years in the US before settling in Mysuru in 1997.

Saving the soil for posterity is another passion of his. Dr. Khader feels it will happen only with the right kind of agricultural practices. He is worried that with the type of crop practices farmers are adopting, the soil may become unfit to grow anything in the next thirty years.

The increasing cases of juvenile diabetes, childhood obesity, early puberty, irregular menstrual cycles, polycystic ovaries, infertility, anemia, low milk supply during breastfeeding and constipation-what does he blame them on? Diet counselors may say it’s all because of chocolates, pizzas and your love for non-vegetarian food but Dr. Khader does not feel this is entirely true. "Oxytocin/estrogen hormones are injected into cows to increase milk yield, micro levels of those hormones present in milk is one reason for early puberty in girls. Alloxan, used as a bleaching agent to bleach wheat flour for production of maida (used for preparing bakery products), obstructs the capacity of the pancreas to produce beta cells, which store and release insulin," he points out.

“Start eating positive grains (Siridhanya) which we used to eat 60 years ago. These include Foxtail (Navane), Barnyard (Oodalu), Kodo (Arka), Little (Saame), Brown top (Korle), fruits and vegetables, palm jaggery (Kappu Bella/state) and use groundnut oil to stay healthy. Positive grains are not just nutritious; they can be grown in dry land and need only 20 cm of rainfall. As high as 60 percent of the available land in India is dry land. So if farmers cultivate positive grains, there can be no drought in the next 50 years," he reasons.

And the healthy alternative to chocolates? "Give sweet balls prepared from groundnut, til, jaggery and coconut to kids. Cocum used for making chocolate has theobromine, an alkaloid similar to nicotine in tobacco, which can cause an addiction if taken for 21 days. The pink skin of peanut is rich in anti-oxidants which can fight cancer and other diseases. Til can improve the development of the brain,” he says.

Dr. Khader grows as many as 38 crop varieties including positive grains at home and uses ‘Kaadu Chaitanya dravana,’ a microbial liquid for farming in his 8 acres of dry land in Bidirenahalli in the Kabini backwaters in HD Kote. He even gives a live demo on the right agricultural practices at his farm every Sunday. His daughter Dr. Sarala, a homeopath and wife Usha, have been partnering Dr. Khader in his cause.

To grow sugarcane for manufacturing a kg of sugar, 28,000 liters of water is needed, to produce one kg of rice, 8,000 liters is required, but to grow one kg of positive grains, 300 liters water is sufficient.

Food which takes a more extended period to dislodge the sugar (glucose and fructose) to be absorbed by the blood, is the right kind of food. Ragi takes one and a half to two hours, positive grains take over 6 hours while rice takes just 45 minutes to get absorbed in the blood increasing the risk of diabetes.

A herbicide present in Soybean leads to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Steroids are being injected to increase the weight of goat, sheep, chicken, and pigs.

Gluten present in wheat may affect the absorption of micronutrients like zinc in the small intestine.

Dill leaves (Sabsige soppu), garlic and the white part of Castor fruit can improve breast milk production when taken in the right quantity.

Reference : https://www.deccanchronicle.com/lifestyle/health-and-wellbeing/140816/sunday-story-positive-grains-of-truth-for-a-negative-age.html

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