Tomato Soup

Roasted Tomato and Herb Soup Recipe

Nov 28, 2020

Scrumptious soup prepared with oven roasted tomatoes, flavored with garlic and mixed herbs, served hot laced with fresh cream and sautéed herbs. Ingredients for Roasted Tomato and Herb Soup : 12 Large Tomatoes (ripe, red), sliced, 4-5 cloves Garlic (crushed) peeled, 1/2 tsp Black Peppercorn (crushed), 3/4 tsp Mixed herbs (dried), 1 1/2 Tbsp Extra virgin olive oil, To taste Salt, As required Water For garnishing: 1 tsp Fresh cream (chilled), 1 tsp Mixed herbs (dried sautéed in Extra virgin olive oil) Steps to Make Roasted Tomato and Herb Soup :
  1. Preheat the oven at 180◦ C.
  2. Place the sliced tomatoes and garlic in the baking tray.
  3. Pour olive oil.
  4. Oven roast for 15 minutes, till the tomatoes leave their peel.
  5. Once the tomatoes are done, set aside to cool.
  6. Blend in a food processor the tomatoes, garlic, peppercorn, mixed herbs.
  7. Prepare a smooth puree by adding a little water.
  8. Place the puree on the flame.
  9. Add salt. Adjust the consistency.
  10. Serve hot laced with fresh cream and garnished with a swirl of mixed herbs.

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