Lets call it bleached rice, not polished rice

Lets call it bleached rice, not polished rice

Jan 09, 2019

I was lucky to have had the opportunity to spend a good part of a day a couple of weeks ago with a fantastic group of students and faculty from Massey University, New Zealand. They were traveling through south India on a study tour – trying to understand how Sustainability, Social Responsibility, and Entrepreneurship is growing among different communities in an entirely new setting for all of them.

We discussed the words we use to describe activities and objects. About how we have to reject conventional meanings/interpretations often and reinvent old definitions.

About how sometimes we need to look for new words to capture the essence of what we would like to convey to the listener and not what the conventional / mainstream uses for that particular thing.

I brought up the case of the ‘polished’ rice. This refers to husk processing For Clean Nutritious Rice cereal grains that have been processed to remove the husk and further stripped to remove the nutritious bran layer. After laying out my case that this nutrition deprived form is referred to using a superior connotation (polished) as compared to the unpolished rice used for the more nutritious and sustainable way of the same rice, I asked if we can have a quick brainstorming on possible names that would reflect the true meaning of the material on hand.

Within a few moments, one of the students hit gold – bleached rice. I think it's a beautiful choice to describe the rice grain with its nutrition stripped – bleached millet rice. I have started using it in my conversations and am slowly working it into my writings, presentations, and talks.

And the rice with its bran retained, I think, would be best described as good rice, nutritious rice, natural rice, etc.

So, bleached rice and nutritious rice. I would love to hear your thoughts on these!

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