Vegan Chard Tacos

Vegan Chard Tacos

May 12, 2018

I have loved Chard and any variety of if for a while now, but getting a fresh bunch in my CSA box from Loam Agronomics is just wonderful. Nothing like vegetables hand harvested the day before we get them! Does it get any fresher?

Usually I put an egg on my cooked or sautéed chard. When I was cooking for one of my chard loving clients (she wanted chard almost every week), one day I showed her a picture of my meal with the cooked chard with an egg on top. Ten minutes later she was in the kitchen with me making herself a fried egg to eat for lunch with the chard I has just prepared for her. Eating chard and eggs can be contagious! Well this recipe is not chard and eggs because sometimes I enjoy them as tacos!! Yes.. one can have Chard tacos too!! After all I am living in Texas and the taco love has rubbed off on me.

So you know how they say, have your cake and eat it too? What if you could eat your tacos and feed your cells too? Chard is full of wonderful nutrients. Read on.

And always remember to have a little good fat with your chard to help absorb those amazing fat soluble vitamins! In this vegan chard tacos recipe, our good fat will be the olive oil and avocado!


1 bunch chard

2-3 tortillas (homemade must be nice, I eat tacos very occasionally- sheepish grin, so I buy these amazing grain free almond flour tortillas made by Siete Family foods!

1/2 red onion

3-4 cloves garlic (add more if you LOVE garlic!)

1/4 teaspoon coriander powder

1/4 teaspoon cumin powder

1/4 teaspoon chili powder (add more or less to taste)

Salt to taste

A few slices of lime

1 avocado

A few sprigs of fresh cilantro

1 and a half tablespoon olive oil


Mince garlic cloves and finely dice the onion. Add olive oil to the heated pan. Cook onion well for about 10-15 minutes stirring occasionally so it is somewhat caramelized and very soft. While onion is cooking, chop the greens and the stems. I keep the stems of the chard separate as they have a longer cooking time. Once the onion is almost done add in the stems and cook another 10 minutes till stems are softened, you may also cover and cook for 5 minutes with a tablespoon of water to quicken cooking time. Add the half tablespoon oil and add in the garlic and cook another few minutes till fragrant. Make a clear spot in the pan and add the spices, saute a few minutes till fragrant. Then add the chopped greens and cook till wilted or longer to suit your taste. In my tacos I like it well cooked but as a side dish I may cook for a shorter time.

Serve the cooked chard hot on your favorite tortillas, top with some cilantro, avocado slices and a squirt of lime!

Author's link: He"art"ful Earth Cuisine - Personal Wellness Chef Services


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