Positive Millets

Dialysis, Albumin Urea, Gout, Uric acid, Urethral structure

Sep 30, 2021

Health issue : Dialysis, Albumin Urea, Gout, Uric acid, Urethral structure
Decoctions Nyctanthes arbor-tristis, Coriander, Bryophyllum pinnatum, Banana stem (organic) Boerhavia diffusa, Abutilon indicum Consume all above decoctions one week each and repeat the cycle
Special Instructions: Best way to consume millets in the form of Fermented porridge for 9 weeks (For Dialysis patients)3 days 3 days 3 days
Millet Plan
  1. Little millet - 3 days
  2. Kodo millet - 3 days
  3. Barnyard millet - 3 days
  4. Foxtail millet - 1 day
  5. Brown top millet - 1 day

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