Ragi Coconut Ladoo

Ragi Coconut Ladoo Recipe

Dec 04, 2020

Ragi Coconut Ladoo is nutritionally rich due to the high protein and mineral value present in its main ingredient, Ragi. Finger Millets or ragi is grown in the Himalayas and are usually inter-cropped with peanuts. Here's a yummy ladoo recipe from the wholesome, healthy produced with coconut, jaggery and crunchy peanuts. Ingredients for Ragi Coconut Ladoo : 1 Cup finger millet flour (ragi), 1/4 cup jaggery (powdered), 1/4 cup peanuts (roasted), 1/4 cup coconut (grated), A pinch of Salt. Steps to Make Ragi Coconut Ladoo :
  1. Take the flour and salt in a bowl and sprinkle water little by little whilst mixing it but breaking them into crumbs as you keep mixing.
  2. Mix in the coconut. Steam the mixture with coconut for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Lay the mixture onto a tray and let it cool.
  4. Blend the jaggery with the flour mixture and peanuts.
  5. Roll them into lemon-sized balls and devour!

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